
Mathematics Education Minor Course Descriptions


(not required)

Teaching Math: The Challenge (Freshman Seminar - 1 unit)

Why do so many students seem unable or unwilling to learn mathematics? Which of the difficulties students have in mathematics are due to ineffective instruction and which are inevitable? How can teaching make mathematics intrinsically stimulating for all students? How can a teaching career be fulfilling and rewarding?


Introduction to Teaching Mathematics (2 units)

In Math 95, we examine students' learning difficulties in mathematics to prepare the participants in the class to make meaningful observations of how K-12 teachers deal with these difficulties. We explore how instruction can use students' knowledge to pose problems that stimulate students' intellectual curiosity.

Math 95 meets once a week for two hours and is structured in the style of a seminar. Each week, students solve problems in small groups and present their solutions to the class. The problems incorporate a variety of high school level mathematical content, including topics in algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. Class discussions of the problems, their solutions, and student presentations lead to discussions and reflections about effective teaching methods.

To be taken with:

EDS 39

Practicum in Mathematics & Science Teaching/Learning (2 units)

Undergraduate students are placed in local schools and work with children in classrooms. Students work on educational activities with K-12 students a minimum of 20 hours/quarter.


Foundations of Teaching & Learning Mathematics I (4 units)

Math 121A is the first course in a two quarter sequence of courses. The goal of this sequence of courses is to strengthen students' ability to teach mathematics by developing their knowledge of mathematics content, their knowledge of pedagogy, and their knowledge of student learning. This sequence of courses addresses these components of knowledge in the context of both high school level and more advanced mathematics including calculus, conic sections, and combinatorics. The regular group work and class presentations during the course will be important opportunities for teaching practice.

Prerequisites: Introduction to Teaching Mathematics, Calculus 10C or 20C


Foundations of Teaching & Learning Mathematics II (4 units)

Math 121B is the second course in a two quarter sequence of courses.

The goal of this sequence of courses is to strengthen students' ability to teach mathematics by developing their knowledge of mathematics content, their knowledge of pedagogy, and their knowledge of student learning. This sequence of courses addresses these components of knowledge in the context of both high school level and more advanced mathematics including calculus, conic sections, and combinatorics.

The regular group work and class presentations during the course will be important opportunities for teaching practice.

Prerequisites: Foundations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics I, Calculus 10C or 20C

EDS 117

Language, Culture and Education (4 units)

The mutual influence of language, culture, and education. Explanations of students’ school success and failure that employ linguistic and cultural variables, bilingualism, and cultural transmission through education are explored.


Introduction to Teaching and Learning: Secondary (4+4+4 units)

This course series is for undergraduates who are exploring a career in teaching secondary school. Topics addressed include: theories of teaching and learning processes and motivation for science, mathematics, and English instruction. EDS 129A focuses on the analysis of the needs of individual learners and small group instruction techniques; EDS 129B emphasizes the various roles of the classroom teacher and planning individual lessons; and EDS 129C emphasizes the assessment of student work and longer-range curriculum planning.

Prerequisites: department stamp.

For 129A there are two options. The 129A offered in the Fall Quarter is intended for seniors. The 129A offered in the Winter or Spring is intended for juniors, especially those who are taking the MATH 121 sequence. The syllabi for the different versions of 129A are similar and both will prepare students equally well for 129B, but the Winter/Spring readings and discussions will more closely connect to the themes that emerge in Math 121A and B.

To be taken with:

EDS 139

Practicum in Teaching/Learning (2+2+2 units)

Students are placed in local schools and work with students in classrooms and the community. Students work on educational activities with K–12 students a minimum of four hours/week. Department stamp required.