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School of Physical Sciences School of Physical Sciences

Jason Schweinsberg Named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

August 14, 2017
By Kim McDonald

Jason Schweinsberg

Jason Schweinsberg, a professor of mathematics, has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, one of only 20 mathematicians selected this year for the honor.

A faculty member at UC San Diego since 2004 Schweinsberg received his Ph.D. in statistics from UC Berkeley, then spent three years as a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Cornell University.

According to the Ohio-based Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Schweinsberg was selected for his “deep contributions to the theory of coalescent

processes, loop‐erased random walks, and branching processes with selection arising in population genetics.”

His induction ceremony took place recently at the Joint Statistics Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.

Created in 1935, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics is a member organization which fosters the development and dissemination of the theory and applications of statistics and probability. 

It has 3,500 active members throughout the world. Approximately 10 percent of the current membership of the institute has earned the status of fellowship.