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School of Physical Sciences School of Physical Sciences


News Archives

From published papers and national awards to student success stories and alumni Q&A's, we're sharing news from School of Physical Science faculty, researchers, students, alumni and staff. This page contains news archives from 2012 - 2019. You can read more current articles on our main News page.



San Diego Math Circle Widens at UC San Diego

Quenching Water Scarcity with a Good Pore

Researchers ‘Handed’ $4M to Boot-Up Mirror Cell Synthesis

Mystery of the Origins of Cosmic Rays Solved

Three Physical Sciences Faculty Named Newest Hellman Fellows

Discovering the Magic Number of Earth Ice Molecules

Artificial Intelligence Tool Predicts Life Expectancy in Heart Failure Patients

Quantitative Biology Opens Trail to Ecological Exploration, Evolutionary Prediction

Two Postdoctoral Fellows Add Expertise, Diversity to Physics Department

Chemistry at Play

The Secrets of Ghost Particle Hunting

Astronomers Catch Wind Rushing Out of Galaxy

Riding the Third Wave of AI without Quantum Computing

Outreaching Science

Making Noise to Heat Up Materials Science

Exploding Shells Boost Immune Response to Brain Cancer

Wired to Think

Scientists Bask in Glow of Fluorescence Gathering

Like Film Editors and Archaeologists, Biochemists Piece Together Genome History

UC San Diego PhySci at Comic-Con

UC San Diego Chemists Take Aim at Drug Predictions

Applying the Goldilocks Principle to DNA Structure

Borrowing from Astronomy to Rob the Twinkle from Brain Imagery

Standing Out among Stand-Outs

The Glam Clan

Science Engineering Students Prepare for Careers in Industry

A Rocket Man in His Own Right

Physical Sciences Represents in National Science Foundation Graduate Research Awards

Putting a Dent in Food Waste

Hardwiring computers for human-brain efficiency

Supercomputer Simulations Show Black Holes and Their Magnetic Bubbles

Physics Professor Honored with Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award

UC San Diego Announces Margaret Burbidge Visiting Professorship

Scientists Observe Rare Decay Process in the Universe

Enjoy the Ride

Magnets with ‘Magic Angle’ Offer New Way to Study Jelly States of Genes

POLARBEAR-2 Telescope Sees First Light

Chemists Cook Up Elusive Molecule for the First Time

Scientists ‘Game’ for Remote-control Chemistry of the Future

Scientists discover how Proteins interact along Metabolic Pathway

Chemists Use MASCoT to Create New Metalloproteins

Scientists Confirm Events that Occurred One Second after the Big Bang

Galaxy Gardener

Math Research adds up to 2019 Sloan Fellowship

Astronomers Invite Citizens to Crowd-Source New Worlds

Researchers Flood Boundaries of Chemistry

IUPAC Names Vicki Grassian among 2019 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering

Atmospheric Chemist Kim Prather elected to National Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Biochemists make ‘Elbow Room’ for Nanostructures with new Toolkit

Researchers Limit Experimental Free Will to Fake Quantum Entanglement

Sticky Science

Thinking on Egg Shells

Neal Devaraj Wins Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry

‘Phat’ on potential, Lipidomics is gaining Weight


Scientists Surf Peptides with New POOL

UC San Diego Strikes New NSF Funding with Laser Speed

Synthetic Cells Command New Powers of Communication

Division Scientists Earn Spots on List of Highly Cited Researchers

Chemist Stands Boldly Among New AAAS Fellows

Physicists Brainstorm World’s 21st-Century Energy Challenges

Chemists Suited to Break Rule, Devise New Chemical Tool

NIH Awards $15 million to Research Team led by Physics Professor

Scientists Extend Mechanism for Cracking Biochemical Code

Astrophysicist Enlightens Campus, Community with Portable Planetarium

UC San Diego Hosts First Cal-Bridge Professional Development Workshop

Four UC San Diegans Named 2018 APS Fellows

Physicists ‘Condense’ Diversity, Outreach, Blue Jeans’ Dye in NSF Research

Physicists Train Robotic Gliders to Soar like Birds

New National Training Program Aims to Mainstream Glycosciences

Physicists Race to Demystify Einstein’s ‘Spooky’ Science

UC San Diego Climbs to No. 2 in the Nation for Quality Education at the Right Price

Chemistry Research ‘Rocks’ New Data about Ancient Life

Scientists Introduce New Way to Mimic ‘Machine of Machines’

UC San Diego Partners with Warner Bros. to Celebrate Iconic Film at Comic-Con

Physicists Practice ‘Spin Control’ to Improve Information Processing

UC San Diego Physicist Named a 2018 Simons Investigator

Scientists Present New Cold Facts about Antifreeze Proteins

UC San Diego Chemists Develop New Strategy for ‘Hard-to-Study’ Lipids

Chemistry Professor Wins Blavatnik Award for Outstanding Young Scientists

Scientists Go to Great Heights to Understand Changes in Earth’s Atmosphere

‘Gold Standard’ Research Presents Promise for Plasmonic Devices

Scientists Race to Outpace Lethal Bacterial Infections

Distinguished Math Professor’s Road to Success Takes her Full Circle

Physicists’ Room-Temperature Research Leads to ‘Exciting’ Possibilities for Science

Space Scientists See Clear Skies around ‘Hot’ and ‘Salty’ Planet

Chemists ‘Crystallize’ New Approach to Materials Science

Physics Professor Named to Academy of Arts and Sciences

Chemistry Alumnus Wins 40 Under 40 Award

UC San Diego Physicist Flexes 'BICEP' to Introduce Controversial New Book

UC San Diego Chemist Stirs Hope for a New Flu Treatment

Three UC San Diego Physicists Earn Sloan Research Fellowships

UC San Diego Chemists use Light to Pinpoint Gene Expression

Adam Burgasser Contributes to New Findings about Densities of Trappist-1 Planets


Department of Physics' Brian Keating and Kam Arnold to Study Cosmos with Massive New Telescope in South America
Division Researchers Shed Light on Formation of Black Holes and Galaxies
Mathematics Professor among Three UC San Diego Breakthrough Prize Winners
Chancellor's Postdoctoral Scholar Award goes to Chemistry and Biochemistry Fellow
SUMO' Research at UC San Diego Wrestles with New Way to Read Cellular Function
Six UC San Diego Professors Named 2017 AAAS Fellows
UC San Diego Mathematics Multiplies Excellence by Three
UC San Diego Chemist Named among World's Top 10 'Public Defenders'
Associate Dean Recognized for Incorporating Sustainability in Chemistry Education
Distinguished Chemist Wins 2017 Russell M. Pitzer Award
Chemistry and Biology Researchers Create a More Environmentally Friendly Flip Flop
Department of Physics Celebrates Sheldon “Shelly” Schultz
American Chemical Society Honors Retired Chemist Marjorie Caserio
UC San Diego Physicists Travel Path of Totality
Jason Schweinsberg Named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Physicist Elizabeth Simmons Named Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Primordial Black Holes May Have Helped to Forge Heavy Elements
Solar Fuels Conference Comes to Campus
UC San Diego Chemists Create the Ultimate Natural Sunscreen
Biological Activity Found to Affect Aerosols Produced from Sea Spray
Jennie Chen in Chemistry & Biochemistry Wins 2017 Exemplary Staff Employee of the Year Award
Nearby Brown Dwarf Appears to be a Free-Floating ‘Planet’
Talking Science
Chemists Receive $7.5 Million to Develop Innovative Uses for Melanin
Oleg Shpyrko Wins 2016-17 Distinguished Teaching Award
Guy Bertrand Wins 2017 Luigi Sacconi Medal
Study Discovers Fundamental Unit of Cell Size in Bacteria
Astronomers Observe Early Stages of Milky Way-like Galaxies in Distant Universe
New Sally Ride Fellowship to Support Women in Physics
Adam Burgasser Awarded Fulbright Scholarship
Kamil Godula Named 2017 Cottrell Scholar
UC San Diego Astrophysicists Contribute to Major Planet Discovery
Three Division of Physical Sciences Professors Named 2017 Sloan Research Fellows
In Memoriam: Sheldon Schultz 1933-2017
Astrophysicist Steven Boggs Named Dean of Division of Physical Sciences


UC San Diego Physicist Leads $1.6 Million Magnetic Neuroimaging Research Effort
Physics Professor Shares ‘Two Supercomputing Achievement’ Awards
UC San Diego Professor Wins Major Prize in Mathematics
Hacking a Revolution in Biology
Nine Physical Sciences Graduate Students Awarded ARCS Foundation Fellowships
Kim Prather Named One of 'Top 50 Women in Analytical Science'
Breaking Ground
Neal Devaraj Receives $1.9 Million NIH Award for Diabetes Study
Rommie Amaro Wins 2016 Corwin Hansch Award
Five UC San Diego Physicists Named APS Fellows
Surfing the World for Microbes
Nobel Prizewinning Physicist Was Professor at UC San Diego
Elizabeth Villa Wins Prestigious NIH Grant
Promising Drug Leads Identified to Combat Heart Disease
Biochemists’ Discovery Could Lead to Vaccine Against ‘Flesh-Eating’ Bacteria
UC San Diego Professor Wins Top Academic Prize in Theoretical Chemistry
UC San Diego Chemist Wins 2 Prestigious National Awards
UC San Diego Dean Awarded Prestigious Meteoritical Society Medal
Scientists Determine How Birds Soar to Great Heights
Synthetic Membranes Created to Mimic Properties of Living Cells
James McKernan Named Simons Investigator
X-Ray Snapshot of Butterfly Wings Reveals Underlying Physics of Color
Scientists Design Energy-Carrying Particles Called ‘Topological Plexcitons’
Tehseen Lazzouni a 2016 Exemplary Staff Employee of the Year Awardee
UC San Diego Chemistry Professor Wins Prestigious California Air Resources Board Honor
$40 Million Observatory to Search for Signals from Early Universe
Researchers Develop New Way to Explore Mathematical Universe
Neal Devaraj Named Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar
Guy Bertrand Wins Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Award
New Tool Allows Scientists to Visualize ‘Nanoscale’ Processes
‘Adaptive Protein Crystal’ Could Form New Kind of Protective Material
How DNA Can Take on the Properties of Sand or Toothpaste
Three Earth-Sized Planets Found Orbiting a Tiny Nearby Star
In Memoriam: Walter Kohn 1923-2016
In Memoriam: Ami E. Berkowitz
Two UC San Diego Professors Named Fellows to Prestigious Math Society
Alice C. Tyler Perpetual Trust Gives $125,000 for Sally Ride Scholarship
Neuronal Structures Associated with Learning and Memory Sprout In Response to Novel Molecules
Breathing is a Rhythm for Life, and More
UC San Diego Biophysicists Discover How Hydra Opens Its Mouth
Clear View of Nanoparticles Helps Researchers Evaluate New Form of Cancer Treatment
Mathematician honored for major contributions to algebraic geometry
Space dust
Star role models
Campus Conference Welcomes Undergraduate Women in Physics


UC San Diego Professors Elected Fellows of National Academy of Inventors
Researchers Unravel Age-Old Mystery of Why Cells Use Fermentation
Physicists Predict Mechanics of Touch
Brushing Up Peptides Boosts their Potential as Drugs
Simulation illuminates Origin of the Brightest Galaxies
Chemists Devise a New, Versatile Way to Tag RNA
UC San Diego and TSRI Launch New Consortium to Create ‘Virtual Cell’
Astronomers Find 'Young Jupiter' Exoplanet, Analyze Atmosphere
Trapped Light Orbits Within an Intriguing Material
Nanospheres Deliver Safer Chemotherapy
Physicists Fine-tune Control of Agile Exotic Materials
Chemistry Department Recognized for Success in Building a Diverse Faculty
Discovery Paves Way for New Kinds of Superconducting Electronics
X-ray Imaging Reveals Secrets In Battery Materials
Nanomaterial Assembly Imaged in Real Time
New Nano Materials Inspired by Bird Feathers Play with Light to Create Color
Against the Stream
Surfing into a Greener Future
Chemists Create Modular System for Placing Proteins on Membranes
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Extends to New Realms
Data Structures Influence Speed of Quantum Search in Unexpected Ways
Computational Strategy Helps to Map Human Epigenome
Cosmology Prize Recognizes ‘Inventive’ Proposed Test of Fundamental Physics


Study Sheds Light on What Causes Cells to Divide
Martian Meteorite Reveals Past Climate
Cells Can Use Dynamic Patterns to Pluck Signals from Noise
Physicists Explain Puzzling Particle Collisions
Marvin Goldberger, Physicist and Former Dean of Natural Sciences, Dies at 92
Galactic Blowout
Cancer Training Program Has Supported 300 Trainees in 30 Years
Real-time Readout of Neurochemical Activity
Viral Switches Share a Shape
Cell Membranes Self-assemble
Physicists Solve Longstanding Puzzle of How Moths Find Distant Mates
POLARBEAR Detects Curls in the Universe’s Oldest Light
Pharmaceutical Companies to Share Data for Drug Design via New UC San Diego-Led Resource
Nitrogen Fingerprint in Biomolecules Could Be from the Early Sun
Program Predicts Placement of Chemical Tags that Control Gene Activity
Quantitative Biology Approach Reveals the Importance of Physical Constraints on Critical DNA Interaction
Sulfur Signals in Antarctic Snow Reveal Clues to Climate, Past and Future
Vanishing Viscosity: Superfluid Gas Formed in Layers of 2D Crystals Induces High-temperature Superconductivity
Relaxation Helps Pack DNA into a Virus
Radiation from Early Universe Found Key to Answer Major Questions in Physics
Phone Calls Reveal Population Patterns that Census Miss
Unveiling the Universe's Earliest Secrets
Discovery Could Lead to Novel Therapies for Fragile X Syndrome
Cosmologists Report Evidence for Cosmic Inflation
Crystals Ripple in Response to Light
The Surface of the Sea is a Sink for Nitrogen Oxides at Night
In Memoriam: Arthur M. Wolfe 1939-2014
Source of ‘Moon Curse’ Revealed by Eclipse



Even the Smallest Possible Stroke Can Damage Brain Tissue and Impair Cognitive Function
New Survey of Distant Galaxies Will Trace Changes Over Billions of Years
Working Inside the Bubble
Chemists Develop Reversible Method of Tagging Proteins
Halo of Neutrinos Alters Physics of Exploding Stars
Intense Bursts of Star Formation Drive Fierce Galactic Winds
Color-coded Markers May Help Doctors Diagnose Neural Diseases Through the Eyes
Researchers Reveal Behaviors of Tiniest Water Droplets
Sally Ride, First Woman in Space and Former California Space Institute Director Dies at 61
Hunt for Higgs Reveals New Particle
Computing Grid Built for Physics Benefits a Wide Range of Science
Electrons Ripple Across Atom-thin Layers of Carbon
Varying Drug Levels Could Speed the Emergence of Drug-resistant Bacteria
New Member of Protein Family Reveals an Ancient Role in Iron Metabolism
UC San Diego Physicists Find Patterns in New State of Matter 
Discovery Provides Blueprint for New Drugs That Can Inhibit Hepatitis C Virus
Envelope for an Artificial Cell
Obituary: Jim Arnold, Founding Chair of Chemistry
Obituary: Salah Baouendi, Mathematics