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School of Physical Sciences School of Physical Sciences

From Symbol Manipulation to Meaning Making

The traditional undergraduate curriculum treats mathematics and science as separate entities, but these disciplines are inherently interdependent.  Many have called for greater integration of the teaching of mathematics and science, more exposure to real world applications and more emphasis on ensuring that science majors develop a solid foundation in mathematics and the ability to reason quantitatively.  

Motivated by this vision for change, and supported by an NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education grant, our interdisciplinary team collaborated to create the following:

  • A set (matrix) of videos that explore rate of change across the curriculum 
  • A published research-based guide (instrument) to inform the design of educational videos
  • A published paper to deepen instructors' conversations about curriculum across disciplines
  • A published critique of how chemistry textbooks treat rate of change concepts
  • An instructor guide with supplemental information and formative assessment items.


Video Theme Matrix

These resources, from an NSF-funded project, encourage meaning-making in mathematics and teach rate of change concepts across the curriculum. Videos are on five themes (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and current research) on four rate of change subtopics.

Overview of the rate of change videos

matrix of videos

pointing to textbook

Conversations Paper

Rate of change concepts from calculus are presented differently in college mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology classes.  We summarize our conversations and present strategies to communicate effectively and reach shared understandings. 

Int. J. STEM Education Paper

Textbook Critique

Analyzing general chemistry texts' treatment of rates of change concepts in reaction kinetics reveals missing conceptual links.

J. Chemical Education Paper


project intro slide

Instructor guide


